събота, юли 25, 2009

Зодии ^^

Слънце в Рак.
Луна в Риби.
Асцедент - Телец.
Меркурий в Рак.
Венера в Рак.
Марс в Телец.
Юпитер в Дева.
Сатурн във Водолей.
Уран и Нептун в Козирог.
Плутон в Скорпион.
Северна нода (каквото и да е това) - Между Стрелец и Козирог.
Южна нода (още не знам какво е това) - Между Близнаци и Рак.

Не, не знам какво означават тези неща. xD Но така като го гледам ми изглежда доста мешано и би могло да мине за правдоподобно обяснение защо съм толкова странна.

The Sun describes your simple, childlike nature; what you’re like when you are not pretending to be responsible, important or impressive. The way you naturally respond to life and the things you’d like to get out of it.
The Moon describes your emotional nature. The way you respond to problems, threats and difficulties. The things you yearn for and the way you yearn for them.
Mercury describes the way your mind works. Your thought patterns. The way you communicate. The subjects that interest you, the way you approach them and your attitude towards information in general.
Venus describes the things you are attracted to. Your artistic and romantic inclinations. The way you feel about the people in your life and the way they feel about you. Your love life, your creative (and procreative) aspirations all are ruled by Venus.
Mars describes your desires and your determination. Your will to succeed, to conquer and to achieve your ambitions. Mars also describes your temper and your temperament.
Jupiter describes your optimistic outlook. The luck you allow yourself to have, the opportunities you allow yourself to take. The extent of your aspirations and your desire to reach beyond yourself.
Saturn describes your ‘inner braking system’. Your limitations, fears and barriers. The things you are afraid of, and the way in which you seek to provide structure, discipline and restraint in your environment.

Pluto (to transform) in Scorpio (Intense and Secretive)
You delve deep into the hidden secrets in an intense and secretive manner, in relation to sex, the mind, occult studies and death. There may be obsession in areas concerning genetic engineering, creating (and destroying) life, and cloning. You may be interested in occult studies. In various kinds of research (not only science), discoveries made during this period may not be made public (secret)

Uranus Signs represent change!
A bridge to all things mysterious, Neptune Signs slowly guide each generation to its destiny.

Баси и нещото...

Поне следващия път, когато МОМЧЕ, което разбира от ЗОДИИ, при това ПОВЕЧЕ ОТ МЕН, ме попита в кой знак ми е Венера, ще мога да му кажа. xD

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